Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another summer day with nothing to do....
Well I had a FANTASTIC weekend spent at my good buddy Perr Bear's lakehouse with a couple friends. Note to self: SWIMMERS EAR HURTS. As does tubing but god is it exhilerating! Talk about adrenaline rush! I would also like to add that I rock at wakeboarding, in my opinion, since I was the only first-timer who could stand for more than 10 seconds :-)
Now, of course, I have nothing to do until September, when school starts. *yawn* what shall I do...at the moment I'm watching my brother and his friend Jon while my Mom is at work, my Dad works nights so he's sleeping. I should be watching Jon's brother too, but he's not here yet, so I don't know if he's coming at all, but his mom hasn't called yet so WHO KNOWS. These people never answer their phone, so no use in calling them...
My cousin Joey's in the hospital. AGAIN. Waiting to see what's wrong. He's only 4 but he's been to the hospital more times than my brother and I together. Normally for stitches or a fever, but now we don't know what's wrong. We shall see!
I feel silly writing a blog that no one reads...but it does help my thought process. Did I say I'm working on a book? Well, an idea really, but I can't quite say yet, I keep going back and forth. Maybe I'll start putting my thoughts here. Yeah...

1 comment:

gymnstxlvr said...

I'm reading it! You know, your blog is starting EXACTLY how mine started :) utterly random.